How Trees Positively Impact Children
Inclusion of trees in playgrounds has been proven to decrease boredom, a seemingly harmless state that has actually been linked to aggressive behavior. Planting trees would therefore decrease bullying, defiance, etc.
According to the University of Champaign Urban of Illinois, kids who spend more time outside end up paying more attention inside. The presence of trees lowers symptoms of ADHD and allows students to concentrate, complete tasks, and follow instructions more efficiently.
Several studies have shown a positive relationship between green spaces in elementary schools and desirable educational outcomes, i.e., enhanced physical activity, motor development, creative play behavior, and environmental learning
Canopy Coverage Disparity
Every child deserves to reap the benefits of Mother Nature, not merely residences of districts wealthy enough to maintain healthy and high tree canopy indexes. A new report compiled by the conservation non-profit American Forests found Austin’s high income and low income neighborhoods have a 20% disparity in canopy coverage – the widest gap in the nation.